Installation ============ PypeTree relies on a few packages: the Python bindings for the VTK_ 3D visualization library, the Numpy_, SciPy_ and NetworkX_ packages for scientific computations, wxPython_ (UI) and some others. .. _VTK: .. _Numpy: .. _SciPy: .. _NetworkX: .. _wxPython: The first step, if you use ``git``, is to clone the source code repository: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone or alternatively, you can download_ the latest snapshot. .. _download: Windows ------- PypeTree is very easy to install on Windows thanks to the `Python(x, y)`_ distribution, which comprises all the necessary packages at once. If you choose the "custom" install, make sure they are all selected. Also install these two additional modules from the PyPI repository, with either ``pip`` or ``easy_install``: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install webcolors progressbar .. _Python(x, y): Linux ----- On a Ubuntu system it's not much harder: .. code-block:: bash $ apt-get install python-vtk python-numpy python-scipy python-wxgtk2.8 python-networkx and .. code-block:: bash $ pip install webcolors progressbar OSX --- On OSX first do: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install webcolors progressbar Then, using the `Homebrew`_ package manager: .. code-block:: bash $ brew install wxpython $ brew install vtk --with-qt --with-python --with-pyqt Be warned that the second command (to compile and install VTK) takes a while. Also, it's possible that you might previously have to install Python (with brew) before doing these commands (I'm not actually sure). .. _Homebrew: To Run ------ Once installed, you can run the program by simply doing .. code-block:: bash $ cd pypetree/python $ python